The Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas, 1844-45, serialized)

The Count of Monte Cristo (Dir, Kevin Reynolds, 2002)

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The action Dumas never gave you!

IMDB lists ten different filmed versions of The Count of Monte Cristo; four of those were made for TV (as a series, a TV movie, and a mini-series), while the other six were feature films, with another version still “in development.” It might have been interesting to look at any number of these adaptation, especially the 1998 mini-series starring Gérard Depardieu, but time will not permit us that luxury. Instead I am going to focus on the most recent version from 2002, starring Guy Pierce and Jim Caviezel. Within that movie I will drill down and focus mostly on the last half hour or so, where the Count enacts his revenge on his enemies. Continue reading